Mercury Free (Amalgam Free), Mercury Safe, Holistic, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
We offer conservative quality care with a gentle touch and a big heart. We know time is valuable, so we pride ourselves on seeing patients promptly at their scheduled appointment times. We would be honored to add you to our list of satisfied patients and encourage you to call our office at (516) 221-7447, to learn more about our office and the many services and treatments we offer.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Holistic/Biological Dentistry is a philosophy that recognizes that the teeth and associated oral structures are a part of the whole body. Because of this important relationship, we offer a wide range of healthy treatment options. Dr. Bressack also takes a unique Whole Body approach to oral health care; combining sound dental science, technology, and experience with a deep concern for his patients' emotional well-being and comfort. This Whole Body philosophy stresses the use of biocompatible dental materials whenever possible.
We utilize safe amalgam removal protocols based on recommendations of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), and other prominent biological and holistic dental organizations. For more information about why we use safe removal protocols and an explanation of what they are, click here.
As your Oral Health Doctor, Dr. Bressack is aware that mercury vapor and dental infections can have a negative impact on oral and overall health. Because of this concern, his office focuses on patient education and strive to remove mercury amalgam (silver) fillings in a safe way.
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Dr. Bressack believes that continuing education is a powerful tool that allows him to give you and your family the best, state-of-the-art dental care. Each year he takes many hours of continuing education courses and he has advanced training in many areas of holistic and conventional dentistry.
Directions To Our Office
The Dentist
(c) The Carol Burnett Show (Tim Conway & Harvey Korman)
Office Information
1692 Newbridge Road, North Bellmore, NY 11710
(516) 221-7447
Our Hours
Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 8am - 6pm *
Wednesday: 8am - 6pm *
Thursday: 8am - 6pm *
Friday: 8am - 4pm
Saturday: 8am - 3pm
* Closed from 1pm - 2 pm for lunch
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 8am - 6pm *
Wednesday: 8am - 6pm *
Thursday: 8am - 6pm *
Friday: 8am - 4pm
Saturday: 8am - 3pm
* Closed from 1pm - 2 pm for lunch
Get The News
I decided to start going to Dr. Bressack when I wanted all of my silver (amalgam) filllings replaced with non-mercury fillings. Dr. Bressack is very knowledgeable and I was taken care of in a professional and HOLISTIC manner.
Patient of Dr. Bressack
I've known Dr. Bressack personally and he is not only an exceptional human being, but a well trained, experienced and skilled holistic dentist.
Dr. Tom McQuire, DDS
Dr. Bressack is knowledgeable and thorough, explains medical terminology in terms that I can understand, outline the various options that I have and is very gentle and efficient in his practice.
Patient of Dr. Bressack